New Look, New Name, Same Blog!

...formally known as Bizzy Bee Creations...and then Bucket of Sweet Stamps. Hopefully this name will stick!

Apr 16, 2010

Kelly (my almost 7 year old) and bugs are like…
peanut butter and jelly
bread and butter
salt and pepper
…you get it, they just go together (in a good way!)

She is the first to spot a bug, spider, lizard…anything
that moves and breathes…she will find it.

For the last 2 days, she has been working on a Roly Poly House.
Here is a picture of the bedroom…yes, there are roly poly’s in there.


…and the bedroom with more additions


…and the sign so people know who lives there


…as I type, she is working on the “living room” complete with a couch, table,
lamp, bridge and whatever else her little imagination thinks of.
What lucky roly poly’s :) Our rule is she can play with them during the day
but at night, they go back to their “real homes”

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