New Look, New Name, Same Blog!

...formally known as Bizzy Bee Creations...and then Bucket of Sweet Stamps. Hopefully this name will stick!

Jun 1, 2010

T-Shirt Necklace

Martha Stewart is at it again…sharing another
cute idea! On her show, she made very fun
t-shirt necklaces with Queen Latifah! Michaels
happened to have their shirts on sale…so I grabbed
one to try.

Here is the link to Martha’s how-to for
T-Shirt Necklace

and…here are my pictures

IMG_2308 IMG_2309

IMG_2310 IMG_2311

You may notice a difference in the way I did mine compared
to Martha’s tutorial. In her directions she cuts the strips
all the way off. If you look at the picture directly above, you
can see that I stopped about 1 1/2 inches from the top. My
friend Kari made a few this way and not only is it much easier…
I like it better this way. Try it both ways…see what you think.
I will be washing my necklace tomorrow which will curl the strips
a little giving it some character.

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